infernalmarket / Infernal Cape Service

Use The Price Calculator
Use the inferno calculator to estimate your price, also check out our gear setups & FAQ!

Add Our Discord Account
Hit the order your infernal button, then add our discord @infernal_market to chat.

Get Your Cape Completed
We offer Login/Remote capes, for remote you must be on WIN 8+ and have good internet.

For an exact quote send a screenshot of your gear/stats on Discord!📸

How We Complete The Inferno

Remote Method
The remote method uses a remote control software known as Parsec. Parsec allows one of our capers to connect to your PC and complete your infernal cape. This method requires decent internet.

Proxy Method
The proxy method utilizes a software known as Proxifier. We use residential proxies to mimic your location. Our capers will log in on their machine and complete the cape.
*We can discuss which method works best for you in the live chat! 💡
OSRS Infernal Cape Service - FAQ

We accept a wide variety of payment methods. These include PayPal, Apple Pay, Skrill, Cashapp, Venmo, Zelle, Bitcoin (BTC), Litecoin (LTC), Ethereum (ETH), and most other crypto currencies! For certain payment methods we can accept payment when we reach zuk (for capes with bad connection that may be hard to complete etc.)
We can do Infernal Cape services on all account types, however the price for low combat Infernal Capes can get quite expensive. Generally to get the price displayed on the calculator you need 94+ Magic and 70+ Ranged. You also must have completed the fight caves and sacrificed your fire cape at the inferno entrance!
It is currently extremely safe to purchase Infernal Capes aswell as other high end PvM in OSRS. Jagex can not detect either the Remote or Proxy method currently. It appears to Jagex that YOU are completing the cape. We would not offer a service that put your account at undue risk! If in the future Jagex changes their detection methods, we will let you know!
We will add you on Discord @infernal_market (UID: 1000852966355521649) and stream the cape to you in a private discord server! Please make sure you confirm my discord UID to ensure you are talking to the right person on Discord!
No we do not and will never provide gear for Inferno services. You must have all required gear before paying for your service. There is too much risk involved with loaning high value items, and anyone can kick you off the account if they contact Jagex. If you need better gear, you can check out our Gold Service page!
OSRS Infernal Cape Service - Gear Setups

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Our support team answers all DMs/friend requests/order requests 10 AM - 12 PM EST. 🕰️
Discord: @infernal_market

UID: 1000852966355521649